Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gaming and Virtual Worlds

I was able to try out a couple of games, "Bookworm" from MSN Games and "Web Sudoku". I enjoyed the challenge of both games. The games were relaxing. helped stimulate my brain as well as provided some stress relief. I will probably play both games and explore more gaming sites at home in my spare time!! I agree that both the on-line games and virtual worlds such as "Second Life" help to promote hand-eye co-ordination, and to a certain degree promote reading. Also, these activities do get young patrons into the library to use the computers. But, in my opinion, these games are very addictive, and with child obesity on the rise, these kids should get involved with some kind of physical activity instead of sitting in front of the computer. Like anything else, moderation should be the key. I would say though, at least the "WII" games are challenging and do provide exercise. I could see a better future for that type of game instead of a virtual world that young people use to socialize.

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