Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gaming and Virtual Worlds

I was able to try out a couple of games, "Bookworm" from MSN Games and "Web Sudoku". I enjoyed the challenge of both games. The games were relaxing. helped stimulate my brain as well as provided some stress relief. I will probably play both games and explore more gaming sites at home in my spare time!! I agree that both the on-line games and virtual worlds such as "Second Life" help to promote hand-eye co-ordination, and to a certain degree promote reading. Also, these activities do get young patrons into the library to use the computers. But, in my opinion, these games are very addictive, and with child obesity on the rise, these kids should get involved with some kind of physical activity instead of sitting in front of the computer. Like anything else, moderation should be the key. I would say though, at least the "WII" games are challenging and do provide exercise. I could see a better future for that type of game instead of a virtual world that young people use to socialize.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Google Documents

This week, I wish I had more time to get acquainted with " Google Docs." When the assignments are completed, I hope to have some time to go over what we have learned to try and remember the different tools that would be useful to me. Using this application does have advantages. I could access my files from home. Also share information, pictures or documents etc. with co-workers without having to send e-mail attachments. Gee, if we don't need to install desktop applications what will happen to Microsoft? How much money does Bill Gates need anyway!! Library managers could work from home and still be connected to the workplace.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I enjoyed our lesson this week. It was interesting to view different podcasts via the "Podcast Directoy". I watch "The Hour" on CBC to see who George Stroumboulopoulis is interviewing. The show is funny, hip, up to date with current events, and George provides a different slant on things. With the link on my blog I can now catch up on shows that I have missed.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

E-Books and E-Audio Books

I was able to download my two books. From NetLibrary I ordered "I feel bad about my Neck" by Nora Ephram. I downloaded "Intuitive Healing" by Judith Orloff, M.D. from Overdrive.
I found working with NetLibrary a little easier than Overdrive. I did find both services difficult to use. That could be because I am a first time user. Hopefully with more practice things will improve. The services were laid out to ensure ease of use. I had no problem with finding things. A few of the titles were not readily available so I am on the waiting list.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The assignment was very interesting. The instructions were easy to follow, which always helps. It think these are great tools to help you keep up to date with new and recent information published by a website. Pretty cutting edge. Very useful for anyone doing research as well as anyone looking for the latest preventative information on an illness. We no longer have to wait for information to filter through our daily newspapers or magazines. These "alert" systems enable researchers to collect relevant information in a timely and thorough manner. It seems like a cost effective way for libraries to add to their collection.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I went into the Online Image Generator site and linked to some pretty great sites. I enjoyed the lederhosen dance generator. Was able to install my own picture and e-mail it to friends. I found a animated neon sign generator via and was able to include it in my blog. I also checked out the Sudoku generator; the Tibetan name generator; Photo frame generator. Some of the links didn't work like the "beer label generator". I liked the Genealogy Chart Layout Generator, but found the instructions a little confusing. Had a lot of fun this week looking at all the sites.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I'm of the generation that relies on printed word, something tried and true - reference books etc. But, I may use wikis to help me with my genealogy research. It would be helpful to have access to up-to-date and widespread information and to be able to collaborate with other enthusiasts who are searching their roots. It would prove to be a time saver for me. These lessons are a little intimidating - there is a whole new language out there. It's like anything else, practice makes perfect!!